Yogavelli Namibiar

Yogavelli Nambiar

Yogavelli joined the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation in October 2017 as Chief Executive Officer. Previously she was the Founding Director of the Enterprise Development Academy at the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS). Prior to that she was Country Director of the Goldman Sachs 10 000 Women initiative.

Articles by Yogavelli Nambiar

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation: Entrepreneurship for the common good – despite COVID-19 barriers

By Yogavelli Nambiar on 27 Jan 2022

Reading time: 10 mins

Yogavelli Nambiar, CEO of the Foundation, takes us through the highs and lows of another pandemic-affected year.

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation: Focused on enduring change

By Yogavelli Nambiar on 26 Jul 2021

Reading time: 8 mins

It is heartening to note that the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation is continuing to achieve its intended impact, despite the challenges faced in these pandemic...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation: Fostering resilience

By Yogavelli Nambiar on 27 Jan 2021

Reading time: 9 mins

There are many things 2020 will be remembered for – most of them less than pleasant. But for Yogavelli Nambiar, from the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, the pas...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation update: leaving a legacy

By Yogavelli Nambiar on 29 Jan 2020

Reading time: 6 mins

American leadership coach Peter Strople once commented: “Legacy is not leaving something for people. It’s leaving something in people.” This quote resonates...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation update: leaving a legacy

By Yogavelli Nambiar on 29 Jan 2020

Reading time: 6 mins

American leadership coach Peter Strople once commented: “Legacy is not leaving something for people. It’s leaving something in people.” This quote resonates...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation: Nurturing high-impact individuals

By Yogavelli Nambiar on 29 Jul 2019

Reading time: 11 mins

The focus of the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation is to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset in South African youth. But this is not merely about producing...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation: Reflection for acceleration

By Yogavelli Nambiar on 25 Jan 2019

Reading time: 12 mins

The mission of the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation is to cultivate the entrepreneurial potential of young South Africans, which can also lead to success in many...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation: A good story to tell

By Yogavelli Nambiar on 30 Jun 2018

Reading time: 8 mins

In April, the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation was awarded the Research Champion Award at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress, held in Istanbul, for the pioneeri...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation update

By Yogavelli Nambiar on 24 Jan 2018

Reading time: 8 mins

Yogavelli Nambiar, the recently appointed Chief Executive Officer at the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, reviews some of the achievements of Scholars, Fellows a...


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